Jack Loewen (CREST Swimming) Swim-a-thon 2024

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! This is my last year with CREST Swimming (!) and it has been a hugely important part of my life. One of the highlights every season has been the annual team travel meet. I am raising funds for CREST this year, to help subsidize costs for swimmers next year, so that this annual tradition may be continued. CREST is an inclusive club and we want to ensure that all families are able to have their swimmer participate in travel meets without cost being a barrier. The second focus for CREST's swim-a-thon funds this year is to invest in an upgrade to our pool so that it can be used for racing. In addition to providing important racing and training opportunities for all CREST swimmers on a schedule that works best for the team, these racing opportunities can be provided for free. By donating to CREST's swimathon, you will be helping the athletes from my team meet their personal goals - from regional to national aspirations, it all starts in a club pool! Thank you for reading and for your consideration! #goCRESTgo

0 / 2,500$ collectés

Les fonds de cette campagne iront à Crest Swimming (CREST) (ON)

Cette collecte de fonds a été créée par Jack Loewen


J'ai fait un don à ma propre collecte de fonds
J'ai battu mon objectif de collecte de fonds
J'ai doublé mon objectif de collecte de fonds
A reçu 25 dons
A reçu 50 dons
2 500 $ amassés
5 000 $ amassés

Faire un don

Confidentialité de don(Nécessaire)

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Sélectionnez l'un des montants de don prédéfinis ou saisissez le montant de votre choix !

Derniers dons

Peter Hayes
Ben Peck
Benjie Thomas
Susan Paterson
James Loewen

Dons de la plus haute valeur

1er Donateur Austin Abas500$
Donateur de 2e place James Loewen500$
Donateur de 3e place Benjie Thomas250$
Peter Hayes250$
Pops & Nana Morrison200$
Voir tous les dons

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